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What's next?

The body of work accomplished by divisions with community partners is outstanding. The Summit was a small sample of the successes we know to exist. Based on these and other activities and learning accomplishments, the Community Practice, Quality and Integration provincial leadership team shared insights on how respective teams are planning work and integrating supports for divisions specific to PMH/PCH work going forward.



Dr. Brenda Hefford,

Executive Director, Community Practice, Quality, and Integration


The provincial office continues to work to strengthen full-service family practice as the foundation of an integrated system of care. As we look forward we also reflect on our achievements to date, which have prepared us to take on the work of patient medical home.


The Practice Support and Quality department has been renamed Community Practice, Quality, and Integration (CPQI). The coming months will see a focus on strengthening support for the divisions of family practice as they work with their communities, and further embed quality improvement approaches into programs and activities.


Integration across all provincial programs continues, as we develop tools and resources to support the measurement of impact at all levels—local, regional, and provincial.


As new models of team-based care are explored, the GPSC will provide provincial leadership and support to overcome barriers such as new funding models, contracts, and legal issues.


Recent changes have been made to the structure of the GPSC to ensure that the physician perspective is included during this critical time. The GPSC has invited additional physician representatives to join committee meetings to represent physician and division voices. The GPSC is also investigating the possibility of inviting physicians to participate in time-limited focus groups to support a deeper understanding of physician needs within the patient medical home model, and to generally inform GPSC direction. And, the GPSC is working to strengthen relationships with the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Society of General Practitioners of BC.



Susan Papadionissiou,

Director, Community Partnership and Integration


The GPSC and Community Practice, Quality, and Integration (CPQI) provincial teams are committed to supporting divisions to advance their patient medical home initiatives going forward. We will work to develop and share resources and supports for divisions based on the evolution of the patient medical home. 


Activities at the Community Partnerships and Integration (CPI) provincial office continue to be determined by how divisions work in communities, based on local and regional collaborative partnerships.


The provincial office has identified and prioritized the need to stabilize infrastructure funding and develop funding related to the patient medical home. Many initiatives are in the process of being transferred from incentive and A GP for Me fees into long-term sustainable streams, which are being co-developed with divisions.


In these early stages of work on the patient medical home, data is critical in identifying and planning our partnership priorities. The provincial office is working with the GPSC to support communities in accessing health data and developing community profiles.


Finally, learning and community development continue to be critical in supporting communities and partnerships as they engage in patient medical home activities. The provincial office is approaching this work more systematically in an effort to align with these priorities, while continuing to learn from each other.



Alana Godin,

Director, Community Practice and Quality


The department has completed a portfolio update, with supportive direction from the GPSC. Our focus moving forward will be on family practice incentives, supports, and evaluation within the patient medical home model. The department is currently trialing tools for EMR optimization as well as continuing to refresh learning modules.


Dr. Brenda Hefford, Executive Director, Community Practice, Quality and Integration

Susan Papadionissiou, Director, Community Partnership and Integration

Alana Godin, Director,

Community Practice and Quality

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